Segments & Activity Feeds


We’re thrilled to announce some exciting enhancements to Mailbob, inspired by the valuable feedback from our early users. Understanding the unique needs of our community, we’ve been hard at work to make your experience even more tailored and efficient.

One of the most requested features from our early users has been the ability to send newsletters and updates to specific subscribers rather than the entire mailing list. We’ve heard you loud and clear, and that’s why we are delighted to introduce two powerful features: subscriber tags and segmented sends, accompanied by the insightful addition of activity feeds.

Now, managing your subscribers is more versatile than ever. In the Subscribers section of the Mailbob dashboard, you can effortlessly add one or more tags to categorize your subscribers. But that’s not all – we’ve extended this functionality to our Widgets and Forms SDK, as well as the Mailbob REST API, providing you with flexibility in tagging across various platforms.

When it comes to sending out your newsletters, we understand the importance of precision. That’s why we’ve introduced the option to choose between sending to the entire list or a specific segment when publishing a newsletter issue. This level of segmentation puts you in control, allowing you to tailor your content to specific subscriber groups.

In tandem with segmentation, we’re thrilled to unveil our new activity feeds for subscribers. This feature, available in the Subscribers section of the dashboard, empowers Mailbob users to gain deeper insights into their audience. Currently, the activity feeds track email opens and clicks, providing valuable engagement metrics. But stay tuned – we have plans to expand this feature to include a broader range of events, giving you an even more comprehensive view of subscriber interactions.

At Mailbob, we take user feedback seriously. It’s the driving force behind our innovations, and to show our appreciation, we reward our most active and constructive early subscribers. If you have any feedback, suggestions, or just want to share your thoughts, we encourage you to reach out. You can connect with us via the live chat bubble in the Mailbob dashboard or simply shoot us an email. Your input is invaluable, and we’re committed to making Mailbob the best it can be for you.

Thank you for being part of the Mailbob community – we look forward to continuing this journey of improvement together!

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