Templates & Automation


It’s been a few weeks since our launch on Product Hunt and I’d love to thank you all for your incredible support and feedback. Based on that feedback we’ve been working on some exciting new features!


When we first shipped Mailbob, we allowed a single “default template” which you could customize and re-use for all your new issues. In a recent update, we’ve expanded this to allow as many templates as you need.

Visit the Automation – Templates section in your Mailbob Dashboard to manage your existing or create new templates. There is still just one default template that will be used for new issues, however, you can now select a different template on the Edit Issues screen when creating a new issue.

We’ve also added some special template tags you could use in subject lines or template contents, though these are more useful for automation emails.


One of the most requested features on Mailbob were “welcome emails” which allow you to get the conversation going immediately, rather than having subscribers wait for your next issue, so this is the first automation feature we’ve shipped.

Navigate to Automation – Templates and in the list of templates, find the one labelled Subscription successful. It is disabled by default, but after customizing it with your own content, you can easily enable it from its preview screen.

Once enabled, any new subscribers will receive this email right after confirming their newsletter subscription.

You may have noticed that we’ve also added the possibility to edit the Subscription confirmation template, allowing you to customize the wording and perhaps remind people of why they should subscribe to your newsletter.

We’ll add more automation options in the future, including the ability to send a template via our REST API, send subscription reminders and more, so stay tuned. If you have any questions or feedback about Mailbob, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

~ Gennady

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